Lent 2014 - Lenten Journey To The Cross: Remembering Jesus

March 5, 2014


Good Afternoon Allen Temple Family and Friends,

Today, millions of Christians will flock to churches and cathedrals throughout the world to attend masses and services of worship commemorating Ash Wednesday. They will emerge from these services with ashes on their foreheads as a sign of their repentance to God. Generally, Ash Wednesday is associated with the Catholic Church, but many Protestants observe the day as well because it also signifies the beginning of the Lenten season.

The Season of Lent is a 40 day period of fasting, prayer and reflection in preparation for the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The consistent practice of spiritual disciplines is a key component in strengthening and deepening our relationship with God and one another.

Some of you may already have Lenten practices or have made decisions as to how you will prepare and reflect. This Lenten Season, you are invited to join with us corporately on a 40 day "Journey To the Cross: Remembering Jesus". For the next forty days, we encourage your journey with us by:

1. Walking with us daily through the scriptures highlighting the disciplines Jesus practiced.
2. Selecting a food item, drink or practice you will abstain from.
3. Selecting a spiritual practice or activity you will adopt.

For example, I will abstain from my daily Starbucks drinks. (Pray Now!) I will spend 30 minutes in silence each day. I will read and reflect on the daily ATBC Lenten Scripture. The goal is to join together corporately, on one accord as we prepare our hearts, minds and spirits to experience anew the power of the resurrection not just on Easter Sunday but everyday as we live as witnesses to that power in the world.

Blessings to you!

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Dr. Jacqueline A. Thompson
Assistant Pastor