
 The Athletic Ministry at Allen Temple Baptist Church challenges youth to build self-esteem and enhance their interpersonal skills through athletic sports activities. Our goal is to inspire hope, introduce opportunities and build relationships with business and community leaders, to help young people become positive role models in their communities. We make a sincere effort to motivate youth to explore their potential.

The Athletic Ministry is comprised of several sports activities which include baseball, basketball, junior golf (ages 6 to 18), and young adult softball. Each year begins with the “Open Gym”, which consists of various family type sports activities in the ATBC Family Life Center Gymnasium, open to the community. The Thursday night “Open Gym” features a youth Bible Study and with parents welcome to attend the Pastor’s adult Bible Study class. During the summer, “Open Gym” evolves into the annual summer sports activities program. Other functions of the ministry include the Annual Athletic Awards Banquet, the Annual J. Alfred Smith, Sr. Golf Tournament and the Allen Temple Baptist Church Night at the Oakland A’s Baseball Game. These functions not only draw revenue for the ministry but are a lot of fun. Volunteers are always needed.

Interested in registering for ATBC Athletics? Please contact one of our members below.

Athletic Department Sport Activities Registration Application

Exercise Program Information

2017 CoEd Summer Softball Schedule

For more details, please call

Director: Dr. Erica Conners

510 544-8910

Asst. Director: Deacon Michael Latham

510 544-8910

Baseball Program: Deacon Michael Latham

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Basketball Program: Michael Sneed

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Annual J. Alfred Smith Golf Tournament: Deacon Ron Abernathy

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Exercise Program restarts in 2011: Cheryl Strane

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Open Gym: Deacon Bobby Reed

510 544-8910

2016 Allen Temple Angels Softball Team Schedule    

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