Meditations on Healthy Living

Matthew 28:18-20 HE told his disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and earth. Therefore so and make disciples in all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT, and then teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you; and be sure of this—that I am with you always, even to the end of the world." [Living Bible translation]

Acts 1: 8 But you will receive power when the HOLY SPIRIT comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. [New International translation]

Definition: "Commission": A command, instruction or duty given to a group of people charged with a specific function.


Matthew 28:18-20 is known as "The GREAT COMMISSION." Some churches call it their "MISSION STATEMENT." In army terms, some might say it was the disciples' "marching orders," and "the marching orders" of every disciple of CHRIST thereafter. These verses are the divine instructions of our HEAVENLY COMMANDER, the resurrected JESUS CHRIST.

There is no doubt that JESUS wanted HIS disciples to be concerned about all nations. Acts 1:8 emphasizes that the disciples were to be "witnesses" in "Jerusalem" (where the local church was located) in "Judea" (where other places of worship and disciples were located, in "Samaria" (where "those other churches" were located that the disciples could not even "imagine" worshipping with) and "even to the end of the world." The disciples were to be witnesses everywhere to all nations and nationalities.

Individual "Healthy Living" Is An "All Nations" Concern

Just as the internet is a network of networks or a global system of international computers that link all nations, health care links all of us. Just as the individual health of each individual member of a family affects "the health" of the family, and the health of each family member affects "the health" of a community (or a church or a school or other associations), and the health of each association in a community affects the health of a county ....until we get to the "health" care of the world, so it is that health care is a concern "for all nations." Like the internet, we are all connected in terms of the need to "be healthy."

In recognition that living a healthy lifestyle is an "all nations" concern, a number of organizations have established health guidelines that they hope will have a worldwide effect. For example, recently "The European Code Against Cancer" published a number of ways that individuals can reduce their risk of cancer. The European Code Against Cancer is the initiative of a European commission to inform all people about steps they can take for themselves and their families to reduce their risk of cancer. The European Code Against Cancer, like the World Health Organization and The International Agency For Research on Cancer, hopes that by educating individuals, they will have an impact on families, communities, governments, and or all nations.

The European Code Against Cancer recommends the following 12 ways that individuals can reduce their risk of cancer:

  1. Do not smoke and do not use any form of tobacco;
  2. Make your home smoke free and support smoke-free environments at work;
  3. Take action to be at a healthy body weight.
  4. Be physically active in everyday life and limit the time you spend sitting.
  5. Have a healthy diet:
    a. Eat plenty of whole grains, pulses (e.g. seed, beans, lentils), vegetables and fruit
    b. Limit high calorie foods (foods high in sugar and fats) and avoid sugary drinks
    c. Avoid processed meats, limit red meat and foods high in salt
  6. If you drink alcohol, limit your intake. Not drinking alcohol is better for cancer prevention.
  7. Avoid too much sun, especially for children, and avoid sunbeds (e.g. tanning salons).
  8. Protect yourself against cancer-causing substances in the work place and follow safety instructions.
  9. Find out if you are exposed to radiation from naturally high radon levels and take action to reduce radon levels.
  10. For women: Breastfeeding reduces the mother's cancer risk. If you can breastfeed your baby. And [for older women], remember hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk of cancer. So, limit the use of HRT.
  11. Ensure your children take part in vaccination programs
  12. Take part in cancer screening programs:
    a. Bowel cancer (men and women)
    b. Breast cancer (women)
    c. Cervical cancer (women)

See, The European Code Against Cancer: 12 Ways To Reduce Your Cancer Risk.

Make It Your Duty

Many of the items on the European Code Against Cancer list for reducing our "individual" risk of cancer are not new. Many already know we should not smoke or allow anyone in our households or workplaces to smoke. We know we should eat more fruits and vegetables. We know that too much sitting is harmful to health and that exercising and maintaining a healthy body weight is essential to good health. We know that excess salt and sugary drinks are harmful. We also know many of the other listed items as well. But, perhaps some just thought of the items on the list were just health care "suggestions." Perhaps, some did not know that maintaining good health is "a duty." Perhaps some never saw the link to disobedience or non-compliance to cancer or death.

The GREAT COMMISSION is "not a suggestion." Similarly, living a physical and spiritual healthy lifestyle is "not a suggestion." It is a duty. It is an "all nations" priority. We not only "owe" it to ourselves, we owe it to our families, our churches, all nations and to GOD. In Romans 12:1, the apostle Paul pleads: "I urge you, brothers [and sisters] in view of GOD's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to GOD—this is your spiritual act of worship [i.e. your reasonable service]."

The Bible says if you lack the [will] power or wisdom---ask GOD--ask for the power of HIS HOLY SPIRIT. See Acts 1:8 and James 1:5. Seek help—ask experts. Consult your physician about physical health. Consult your pastor or other GODLY leaders in your church about your spiritual health or the spiritual health of your church with regard to the GREAT COMMISSION.

Remember, others are praying with you and for you!

Be concerned. Be committed. Do your duty and BE BLESSED.