Meditations on Healthy Living

Genesis 3:9 But the LORD GOD called to the man, “Where are you?
[New International translation]


The book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, is about origins and beginnings. The very first words, in the first verse, in the first chapter, in Genesis contain these words: “In the beginning GOD….” In Greek, the word “Genesis” means origin. In Latin, the word means “beginnings.” The book of Genesis describes physical creation---the origin of those things in our physical environment: light, darkness, day, night, the heavens, the earth, land, vegetation, the moon and the stars. The book of Genesis also describes the origin and creation of birds, fish, animals and human life.

But there is more. And, it is so easy to miss it because it is so easy to focus on the wonder and glory of physical creation as GOD-- THE SUPREME ARCHITECT, THE MASTER DESIGNER, THE ANCIENT MASTERBUILDER-- transforms all that was not and void, into being. Additionally, Genesis also illustrates GOD as SPIRIT—a GOD who intervenes, blesses, instructs, relates, provides companionship, and cares enough to correct humanity.

The Deists, those who picture GOD as a great “clockmaker” who just created the universe (like a clock), wound it up, and let it go (and just walked away) simply got it wrong. Genesis proves that GOD is not a “cold,” non-interventionist creator. Our CREATOR cares. In Genesis, we read:

THE LORD GOD planted a garden in the east, in Eden, and there HE put the man
HE had formed. (Genesis 3:8, 15 GOD prepared a place for humanity, work, purpose, and

THE LORD GOD gave humanity a warning. (Genesis 3:16)

THE LORD GOD walked and talked with humanity in the garden…(Genesis 3:8 HE was willing to lead the way, provide a path, checkup on us, order our steps, create a smooth path, make a way)

THE LORD GOD made us in HIS image and blessed us. (Genesis 1:27, 28)

The word “bless” in Hebrew is “barak,” means to praise, congratulate or salute. GOD wants the best for us. The word “bless,” in Latin is “beatus,” or happy, which is where the word “Beatitude” comes from. (See, Matthew 5:3-11.) GOD loved us from the very beginning.

But, humanity veered from the way, the true path, stumbled and spiritually fell. Some might even say humanity lost its “moral compass.”

We serve a GOD who is OMNIPOTENT (all powerful), OMNISCIENT (all knowing) and OMNIPRESENT (spiritually infinite, eternal, unchanging, having no beginning or end.) After “the fall” GOD “knew” where humanity was. It was humanity, like a lost sheep, that strayed.

The question: “Where are you?” is an introspective question. It requires us to look “inward” and “outward.” Are we on a GODLY path? Are we being who GOD wants us to be? Are we being good stewards over our physical and spiritual health? Are we heeding GOD’s warnings? Are we walking with GOD? If not, where are we?


Most of us can recall some very introspective questions growing up. Our elders, parents, teachers, church family members or others in authority would ask a question that they hoped would “jolt us back to reality,” “wake us up,” “set us back on the right path,” and “cause us to get our act together” and change our course of actions. They asked questions like:

What were you thinking?
What did you do?
Do you think you’re grown now?
Do you think you are running this household now?
What makes you think you can come in any hours of the day or night?
What makes you think you can just do whatever you want to do?
Do you think you’re the parent now?
Have you lost your mind? or Have ya loss ya mind?

These were “introspective questions.” Questions meant for us to simply stop what we were doing, take a really deep breath and seriously think (and pray) about what had just happened and hopefully, become better decision-makers. This was also a precursor to understanding why we were about to face the consequences of our actions.

Just as there are “introspective questions,” there are “introspective cold realities.” Such as:

- You can’t both “walk with GOD” or seriously say “Walk with me, LORD” or ask to “be the
   agents of change” and at the same time continuously “sit in the “rocking chair of lazy
- If there is no action behind the words, talking about getting healthy will very likely not lead
   to physical or spiritual “better health.”
- “Treating” oneself to that extra (donut, candy bar, chocolate treat, pastry, sugary drink,
   unhealthy meal, etc.) is no longer “a special treat” but instead is “a steady diet” if it is
   happening “frequently.” **
- You can never please GOD without faith, without depending on HIM. Anyone who wants to
   come to GOD must believe that there is a GOD and that HE rewards those who sincerely look
   for HIM. (Hebrews 11:6)

*An expression that Pastor Emeritus J. Alfred Smith, Sr. often uses to describe those who do
not contribute to the growth of the church or wait for others to do all the work.
** Ask GOD for insight as to what is “frequent” or “too frequent,” then ask HIM for help.


Wednesday is a day for physical health. But, there is more. It is also a day for introspection---for seeking the right path, for asking “Where am I?” It is a day to look to GOD and for HIM. It is a day for action---to put spiritual “legs,” “hands” “feet” and “heart” to our faith in GOD.

Today, have faith. Be more and BE BLESSED.