Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts



Luke 14:28-31 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build, and was not able to finish.’ Or what king, going to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and take counsel whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? [Revised Standard translation]

Biblical Comment

The Bible encourages all of us to plan ahead, to carefully think about what we need to accomplish, to consider our resources, our strengths, and weaknesses, to evaluate our present situation, and, in general, to consider the “costs” in implementing and completing our goals. Two examples are given.

The first example is that of a person building a tower without planning or taking the necessary steps to complete the job. The vision was there. In fact, the vision is lofty! This person does not want to build a mere house, but a tower! However, the execution is weak. Perhaps the person started building without a blueprint or underestimated the cost of the building materials and ran out of funds. Perhaps he did not evaluate his own strengths and weaknesses and did not consider the physical or psychological sacrifices necessary to complete the task. Here was a person who simply could not finish what he started because he failed to “think ahead.”

The second example given in Luke 14 is that of a king going to war. In this example, the stakes are high. During Biblical times losing a war, not only meant the end of the king’s reign but it could mean the destruction of every city under the king’s rule and the enslavement of all the king’s subjects. During Biblical wars, men were killed, women were widowed, children were orphaned. Once defeated, survivors were often taken into captivity to become slaves to the victors. Land and homes were lost. Villages and villagers were pillaged and anything of value often became the “booty” of the conquering army. Religious freedoms to worship GOD were lost in times of war because slaves had little time to worship. So, entering war required very careful consideration. Strategic military and fiscal planning were taken seriously because literally “everything” was at stake. For this reason, a king sought wise counsel from military experts, prophets, wise men, and from GOD.

Planning for Health

Just as a person might plan financially for retirement, it is equally important to plan for health before retirement, as well as during retirement. Planning for physical activity, in the midst of poor health, recovery from injury or illness should not be overlooked. In general, physical activity, during most phases of life should be planned.

Physical Activities:

Instead of just thinking about various physical activities that a person “might” do, think about your own body. Are there areas that you would like to improve (e.g., stronger core, greater cardio endurance, increased bone density, etc.)?

Instead of thinking about the outwards things that we often think about when we think about our bodies (e.g., less fat in various areas, different physical shapes, or appearance), think inwardly.

Remember the best physical exercises will tend to be the ones you enjoy most because those will be the exercises you are likely to continue. So, if you don’t like one particular exercise or activity, seek another.

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Institute on Aging offers a number of free publications on aging subjects including:

      • Menopause
      • Alzheimer’s and Related Dementia
      • Caregiving
      • Heart Disease
      • Depression
      • Advance Care Planning
      • Cognitive Health
      • Exercise and Physical Activity
      • Healthy Eating
      • Anti-aging and longevity
      • Alcohol Use and Abuse
      • Advance Care Planning
      • High Blood Pressure
      • Hearing
      • Loneliness and Social Isolation
      • Long-distance caregiving
      • Medicines and Medication management
      • Movement Disorders and Problems.
      • Pain
      • Symptoms of Osteoarthritic (in hands, hips, and spine)


Read more: 11/10/2021 PLAN AHEAD AND STAY ACTIVE